Near Zero Emissions Technology for CO₂ Capture from Power Plant
- 1 October 2006
- Capture
The IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme has issued reports assessing the cost of CO₂ capture technologies for power generation using all of the three main types of process, i.e. pre-combustion, post-combustion and oxy-combustion capture. A report has also been issued on the implications if other impurities are co-captured along with the CO₂. In most of the variants of these processes there is an economic or practical limit to the percentage of the CO₂ which can be captured. There has been increasing interest in recent years in the concept of “zero emission power generation” which would in essence be the complete 100% capture of all CO₂ and other emissions of gaseous components, principally the sulphur and nitrogen oxides. A study has thus been proposed, building on the previous work, to explore this concept in more depth. In formulating this study it is considered more appropriate to consider the concept as providing “near zero” emissions to the atmosphere since thermodynamic limitations make complete capture inappropriate for some of the contending processes.