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IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme

Front Cover Website

GHGT-12 Updates • IPCC WGIII • Boundary Dam Update • IEAGHG ExCo Meetings • 10 Years of IEAGHG Storage Networks

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Interactions with GCCSI, Staff and Membership updates, IJGGC Gains its First Impact Factor, CO2 Storage in Depleted Gas Fields, Safe Sub-Surface Storage of CO2, CO2CRC H3 Capture Project, Focus on National Carbon Capture and International Storage, Canadian Utility Leads in Carbon Capture, Germany’s First CO2 Scrubbing Pilot Plant Commissioned, SEG Summer Workshop on CO2 Sequestration Geophysics, Hedberg Geological Sequestration Conference, New Zealand Hosts CCS Seminar, 5th Monitoring Network Meeting, Modelling of Geological CO2 Storage, CCT2009 Germany May 2009, Capacity Building in SE-Asia, CO2 CaptureTransport and Storage in Rotterdam, Cato – Catching Carbon To Clear The Skies, Threshold Crossed, Changes to Greenhouse Cuttings, News for Members, Conferences & Meetings.