Our members

Our diverse membership spans the globe and includes governments, enterprises from a range of markets, research organisations, and intergovernmental organisations. Some of our members are just starting in CCS, others have been involved for years, and all are committed to a future of clean energy.

Discover IEAGHG Membership

“IEAGHG has made an extraordinary contribution to advancing CCS over the last 30 years and that’s all down to our members – epitomised by their expertise, interest and dedication.”

Kelly Thambimuthu | Chairman – IEAGHG Executive Commitee

Member Nations













South Africa



United Kingdom

United States of Amierica

Member Organisations

Baker Hughes Member Logo

Baker Hughes

BP Logo, Member Logo


Chevron Member Logo


CIAB Member Logo


Drax Member Logo


ENI Member Logo


EPRI Member Logo


Equinor Member Logo



Institut Teknologi Bandung Member Logo

Institut Teknologi Bandung

Instituto Investigaciones Electricas Member Logo

Instituto Investigaciones Electricas

J Power Member Logo

J Power


Julich Member Logo

Jülich Forschungszentrum

PDO Member Logo

Petroleum Development Oman

RWE Member Logo


Shell Member Logo


Sotacarbo Member Logo


Southern Company Member Logo

Southern Company

Total Energies Member Logo

Total Energies

Hear from our members

Discover how partnering with IEAGHG has helped our members achieve their CCUS goals.

“The IEAGHG is a beacon of wisdom in this ocean of information – generating knowledge from highly-regarded scientists and experts in the carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) sector and beyond. I firmly believe that all key organizations and firms active in the CCUS space and climate technology solutions should be part of the IEAGHG – come and join us in our cause!”

“The IEAGHG Programme represents the most authoritative and objective voice in the community of organizations assessing and doing R&D of greenhouse gas control technologies in fossil fuels. The IEAGHG Programme also has the most impactful convening power in the community. Its stewardship and organization of the GHGT-series of conferences is a summit event bringing together the most important technology and policy experts.”

“The US Department of Energy highly values the work done over the years by IEAGHG and congratulates you on 30 years of successes in sharing knowledge on CCUS.”

“If you want to know the very latest on any aspect of CCUS – whether it’s research, technology, policy or projects – there really is no substitute for the GHGT.”

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IEAGHG membership has unlocked CCS potential for government and industry around the world. Discover what it can do for you.

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