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IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme

IEAGHG funds research into the development and deployment of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies

Facilitating technology advancements, addressing barriers, and enabling deployment. Our work focuses on technologies that can reduce our carbon emissions, and mitigate climate change and global warming. We are a not for profit organisation, and all of our work is subject to peer review ensuring that it remains impartial and unbiased.

More about us

67 JG imageNow that we are fully settled in our new premises with a good IT system and internet connections, we launched our webinar series. We held our first webinar on Monday which went ahead without any serious technical glitches, unlike the trial runs we had!!
Several years ago our members changed our report retention policy to make our reports free to all, rather than keep them to our members only. So we happily shook off the mantle of being some secret like society and that means we can also report on them by webinar.

We undertake about a dozen studies a year and like to “get them out there” so to speak, to the benefit of the broader CCS community. Our plan is to report on some 6 or so key reports each year that we and our members think will have a good impact from being shared more widely. We will also cluster some reports with common themes and report on the results from a series of studies in cases as well.

The first webinar was given by Stanley Santos who gave his view of the issues pertaining to CCS implementation in the process industries. He has hjosirljosirted the following points:

Click here to view the recording of the webinar
We were very pleased by the number of registrants we received for our first airing of our work and we received a number of questions that we will respond to online. Quite a lot of comments focused on the issue of CO2 recycle so it seems appropriate for IEAGHG to suggest to its members a study or review on this topic.

The next topic in the series will be Bio-CCS and will be based on a review paper my colleague Jasmin Kemper has written for the Special Issue of the Journal on Greenhouse Gas Control which provides an update on progress made in CCS research since the IPCC Special report came out in 2005.