Publication Overview
The study considers five scenarios, selected to examine the implications of capture technology type, configuration and plant operation, on the metrics outlined above. These scenarios are: 1. A CCGT power plant (Reference Plant); 2. Scenario 2 not used 3. A CCGT power plant with post-combustion capture; 4. A CCGT power plant with post-combustion capture and flue-gas recirculation; 5. A Combined cycle power plant with Natural Gas reforming and pre-combustion capture; and 6. A Natural Gas Reforming plant with pre-combustion capture, providing hydrogen to a remote combined cycle power plant or intermediate storage. 7. Scenario 7 not used
Publication Summary
EUR 60 – 80 per tonne of CO2 emitted before post-combustion capture becomes commercially viable; and x EUR 150 – 270 per tonne of CO2 emitted before natural gas reforming and pre combustion capture becomes commercially viable; 11.2 Conclusion x Gas fired power generation has a crucial role to play in the future energy mix, given the abundance of natural gas as a fossil fuel and the relative low emissions when compared to other fuels used for power generation such as coal. In the near term, significant investment in new gas fired generating capacity is expected in order to replace aging assets which must retire under existing environmental legislation such as LCPD and IED, and other emerging emissions performance standards. In the long-term, gas fired power generation is expected to play a crucial role in maintaining generation flexibility which might otherwise be constrained by the variability of high-levels of renewable generation which is required to meet global emissions targets. x It is important that CO2 capture for gas-fired power plants is demonstrated in the near term, such that it can be deployed on a global scale in the period 2020 to 2050. x This report concludes that Gas + CCS has a significant impact on the overall efficiency of gas-fired power plants, typically in the range of 7% points for post combustion capture. It is further concluded the lifetime cost of electricity from gas-fired power plants with post-combustion capture is around EUR¢ 7/kWh – EUR¢ 8/kWh, compared to around EUR¢ 5/kWh for conventional, unabated CCGT. x It is concluded that reforming of natural gas for the purposes of hydrogen production and pre-combustion capture of CO2, is not a viable power generation technology in the near term, and that post-combustion capture of CO2 presents the most realistic option for CO2 abatement of power generation assets. x It is recognised that cost improvements of Gas + CCS can be realised as the technology is deployed. Given the major contribution of fuel costs to the lifetime cost of electricity generation for these Scenarios, the authors believe that efforts to optimise and improve the net efficiency of designs represents the quickest way to realise cost reductions. x Notwithstanding the potential cost reductions which may be realised in the future is concluded that for widespread deployment of Gas + CCS to occur (at a scale required to meet necessary reductions in CO2 emissions from power generation) then a strong carbon emissions penalty price of at least EUR 60 / tCO2 is required.