7th International Workshop on Offshore Geologic CO2 Storage
- 23 January 2025
- Event Proceedings
- Storage
The 7th International Workshop on Offshore Geologic CO2 storage was held in Port Arthur, TX, on September 17-18th 2025.
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The 7th International Workshop on Offshore Geologic CO2 storage was held in Port Arthur, TX, on September 17-18th 2025.
This report is a focused review of recent developments regarding insurance coverage for carbon dioxide (CO₂) geological storage projects. It seeks to address the following: what companies are offering or planning to offer insurance to CO₂ storage projects, what is the scope and duration of the coverage offered, and does coverage extend to the transportation of CO₂ to the project site? This work and report was prepared by Franz Hiebert.
This Technical Review provides an overview of 22 CO₂ storage sites from around the world. These include CO₂-EOR, commercial scale storage sites and a number of pilot and demonstration storage sites in both depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs and saline reservoirs. Its primary aim is to provide a convenient source of collated information with a specific focus on technical information that are in the public domain.
The workshop aimed to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and insights among a panel of international experts on CO₂ conditioning, with the goal of informing the scope of a technical specification for a comprehensive IEAGHG report.
The 7th edition of the Post Combustion Capture Conference (PCCC-7) was held on the 25?28 September 2023 and was jointly hosted by the IEAGHG, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) and sponsored by Worley, Shell, and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. (MHI).
The 6th International Workshop on Offshore Geologic CO₂ Storage was held in Aberdeen on 13-14 September. Organised with the University of Texas and hosted by the University of Aberdeen. The loca on was very appropriate as we were co-hosted and sponsored by Storegga who leads the Acorn project nearby in Scotland. This project had been recently announced by the UK government as a Track 2 Cluster project. This 6th workshop had 190 delegates (60 in-person and 130 virtual) from 35 countries, with a good mix of industry, researchers and regulators.
The IEAGHG Monitoring Network aims to assess new technologies and techniques in the monitoring of CO₂ storage, determine the limitations, accuracy and applicability of monitoring techniques, disseminate information from research and pilot storage projects around the world, develop extensive monitoring guidelines for the different sub-categories of geological storage; oil and gas fields, unmineable coal seams, and saline aquifers covering the differing conditions and reservoir properties encountered globally as well as to engage with relevant regulatory bodies.
The 7th edition of the IEAGHG CCS Cost Network Workshop was hosted at the University of Groningen, Netherlands, on 12-13 April 2023. The purpose of the workshop was to share and discuss the most current information on the costs of carbon capture and storage (CCS) in various applications, as well as the outlook for future CCS costs and deployment. For the first time, this workshop also included a session on the direct capture of CO₂ from the atmosphere. The workshop also sought to identify other key issues or topics related to CCS costs that merit further discussion and study.
The Risk Management Network meeting was held as an in-person event with a particular focus on the risk of wells (particularly legacy wells) in a CCS project, looking at the topic from basin scale through to detailed characterisation of well materials and monitoring. Attended by over 75 delegates from 15 countries, the two day meeting was held at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, UK. It was kicked off by a welcome reception in the Lyell Centre (home to both BGS and the Institute for GeoEnergy Engineering) and was followed by a field excursion to explore the geological history of Arthur’s Seat in Edinburgh and a tour of a very new distillery located in an old train station within stone’s throw of Holyrood Park.
The 9th High Temperature Solid Looping Cycles Network (HTSLCN) Meeting took place from 14th to 15th March 2023 at Palazzo Farnese in Piacenza, Italy, hosted by the CLEANKER consortium. 82 attendees enjoyed a two-day programme with a total of 28 presentations, the official closure of the CLEANKER project with a visit to the pilot plant, a relaxing dinner and a guided tour in the museum of Palazzo Farnese about the millennial history of the city of Piacenza and its territory, from the preRoman age to the XX century.
This technical review provides an insight into how the focus of research in the field of Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) has evolved across a decade, from 2012–2022. It is designed to help understand where the most research has been conducted, and to see where CCUS research is going.
This 5th Workshop on Offshore Geologic CO₂ Storage covered multiple subjects, including: summary of multiple CCS projects worldwide, subsurface considerations for depleted hydrocarbon fields, containment/ pressure management, and saline formations to store CO<sub>2</sub>, as well as considerations on regulating offshore CCS, monitoring offshore CCS projects, CO₂ shipping and infrastructure for CO₂. Importantly, this is the first hybrid in-person and virtual workshop, which represents a milestone to bring this knowledge sharing to multiple people interested on CCS worldwide
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