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IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme

67 JG imageI attended the final CATO-2 meeting in Amsterdam recently. I have to admit it was with some sadness after an association going back 5 years that I saw CATO-2 coming to an end such an excellent R&D programme deserved to continue but such is life. Before the panel session I was chairing I had both the honour and pleasure to receive a declaration from a group of Dutch and UK students. These students were from the 1st Annual gathering of North Sea Young Researchers which met just before the CATO meeting. They see CCS as an important tool in the fjosirt against climate and they wish to see greater international co-operation on CCS research. The full text of their declaration is give below.

I interviewed both of their spokespersons Juliana Sara Da Silva and Rami Eid and I admit to being inspired by their desire to CCS implemented and to hear how committed they were to the research work they were undertaking.


Juliana Sara Da Silva delivering the Declaration

First declaration of Amsterdam

7th Dutch CCS Symposium
1st North Sea Young CCS Researchers Meeting, Rotterdam Harbour area
Amsterdam, 19 June 2014

We, North Sea Young CCS Researchers, convened at Rotterdam Harbour area,
Considering that …

We declare that:

We declare that we will: