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Technology Collaboration Programme by IEA

CCU Technology Review Synthesis

Carbon Counts UK

Citation: IEAGHG, "CCU Technology Review Synthesis", 2018-TR01c , March 2018.

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Publication Overview

Based on the backdrop outlined, the overall aim of the study was to gain a better understanding of the potential of CCU technologies to contribute towards climate change mitigation objectives (i.e. by reducing emissions of anthropogenic CO2 to the atmosphere).

Publication Summary

The main findings of the research programme on CO2 capture and utilisation technologies (CCU) are: 1. Momentum for CCU has increased significantly over recent years at a political, industrial and academic level. 2. A number of funded CCU research, development and demonstration (RD&D) projects, and several ongoing commercial operations, are active around the world at the current time. 3. Despite the various RD&D funding efforts, uncertainty remains regarding the efficacy of CCU technologies to deliver real, measurable, verifiable and scalable GHG emission reductions. 4. Asymmetry of information notwithstanding, there is growing political pressure on regulators to integrate CCU into low carbon policies. 5. Actions at a political level and the RD&D activities for CCU on the ground appear to be out of synchronisation. 6. Analyses of the energy and carbon flows across a selected number of commercial and demonstration scale CCU case studies show that there is potential for GHG benefits to arise from CCU. 7. Net GHG benefits arising from CCU technologies can only be fully assessed by taking a life cycle GHG accounting perspective. 8. The complexity of GHG accounting and net GHG benefit assessment can be reduced by employing a ‘CO2 capture benefit’ method. 9. Although the analysis provides new insights into CCU GHG accounting, it is partial as it considers only energy and carbon flows across the CCU life cycle and is based only on large demonstration/commercial-scale operations. This does provide a valuable building block from which to develop more comprehensive approaches, however. 10. Based on the approach taken in this research, CCU GHG accounting guidelines v1.0 have been prepared to facilitate improved transparency about CCU and emission reductions. 11. The life cycle of CCU means that several factors must be kept in mind when designing appropriate policies and regulation

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International Standards and Testing for Novel Carbonaceous Building Materials

  • 1 December 2023
  • Policy & Regulation
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Over 4 billion tonnes of cement are produced each year, equating to approximately 8% of global anthropogenic CO2 emissions, and this industry will continue to grow with the expansion of the built environment at a time that emissions need to be reduced. The utilisation or reduction of CO2 within cement, concrete and building materials could be a valuable way to contribute to emissions reductions in the sector , but there are several barriers, including the current state of standards, regulations and policies. This study will provide useful information for the technical and research community, the CCUS industry, the construction industry, and policymakers, providing an unbiased and non-prescriptive evaluation of international standards and testing relevant to novel carbonaceous building materials to address some of those barriers. The market potential for CO2 utilisation processes in the construction industry is also investigated, and the methods for certifying and measuring embodied carbon content of carbonated building materials is evaluated and the challenges therein.

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Technical Report

Defining the Value of Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage for a Low-Carbon Future

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  • Utilisation

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  • Utilisation

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Technical Report

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  • Costs of CCUS
  • Utilisation

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Technical Report

GHG Accounting for CCU Technologies – Characterising CCU technologies, policy support, regulation and emissions accounting

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  • Policy & Regulation
  • Utilisation

Over recent years, interest in CO2 capture and utilisation (CCU) from policy-makers, industry and academics has increased dramatically, although uncertainty remains regarding the technology’s true potential to contribute towards wider greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction goals. A range of views have been expressed in these contexts, but on the whole it remains largely speculative and unproven. Consequently, it is difficult to provide firm opinions on whether CCU technologies can make a meaningful and lasting contribution to tackling climate change. This report provides an assessment of the range of views presented by various stakeholders, and attempts to establish an empirical evidence base upon which to qualify the views and opinions expressed.Additionally, the key way to gain a clearer understanding of the potential for CCU technologies to reduce GHG emissions is to assess the overall energy and carbon balances for different CCU processes, and to take a view on how and whether these could make a contribution to GHG emission reductions. In other words, as noted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in its 2005 Special Report on Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage (SRCCS) ‘further study of the net energy and CO2 balance of industrial processes that use the captured CO2 could help to establish a more complete picture of the potential of this option’. Such detailed studies have, at best, only partially been carried out and are heavily reliant on the assumptions made in the analysis. Thus, IEAGHG has commissioned Carbon Counts (UK) Ltd to characterise CCU technologies, as well as their policy support, regulation and emissions accounting.

Technical Review

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  • Storage
  • Utilisation

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Technical Report

International Standards and Testing for Novel Carbonaceous Building Materials

  • 1 December 2023
  • Policy & Regulation
  • Utilisation

Over 4 billion tonnes of cement are produced each year, equating to approximately 8% of global anthropogenic CO2 emissions, and this industry will continue to grow with the expansion of the built environment at a time that emissions need to be reduced. The utilisation or reduction of CO2 within cement, concrete and building materials could be a valuable way to contribute to emissions reductions in the sector , but there are several barriers, including the current state of standards, regulations and policies. This study will provide useful information for the technical and research community, the CCUS industry, the construction industry, and policymakers, providing an unbiased and non-prescriptive evaluation of international standards and testing relevant to novel carbonaceous building materials to address some of those barriers. The market potential for CO2 utilisation processes in the construction industry is also investigated, and the methods for certifying and measuring embodied carbon content of carbonated building materials is evaluated and the challenges therein.

Technical Review

6th International Workshop on Offshore Geologic CO2 Storage

  • 1 December 2023
  • Event Proceedings
  • Storage

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Technical Review

Monitoring Network Meeting Report

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  • Event Proceedings
  • Storage

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Technical Report

Components of CCS Infrastructure – Interim CO2 Holding Options

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  • Storage
  • Transport

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Classification of Total Storage Resources and Storage Coefficients

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