Publication Overview
The 9th High Temperature Solid Looping Cycles Network (HTSLCN) Meeting took place from 14th to 15th March 2023 at Palazzo Farnese in Piacenza, Italy, hosted by the CLEANKER consortium. 82 attendees enjoyed a two-day programme with a total of 28 presentations, the official closure of the CLEANKER project with a visit to the pilot plant, a relaxing dinner and a guided tour in the museum of Palazzo Farnese about the millennial history of the city of Piacenza and its territory, from the preRoman age to the XX century.
Publication Summary
Concluding from the panel discussions and technical sessions, it was noted that calcium looping technology is technically ready for an advancement to TRL 8. The discussions identified the high capital cost and the competition with other technologies that are easier to apply as the reasons for the slow progress towards higher TRL. Calcium looping will be the protagonist technology in two Horizon projects started in the past six months and will be applied for the first time in the Iron & Steel and in the Waste-to-Energy sectors with the erection of pilot plants in industrially relevant environment.