Publication Overview
The third meeting specifically aims to demonstrate that research has helped to move the technology towards widespread implementation by identifying and understanding the technical barriers encountered while working to address and neutralise these barriers, and also to provide a platform for dissemination of results, information and observations from field and laboratory experiments / measurements. The meeting will also aim to determine what next steps are needed in order to progress the technology even further, into the arena of large-scale demonstration projects.
Publication Summary
The key conclusions that can be drawn from the meeting are: 1. There is currently a notable contrast between the laboratory and field based research results and data, and the results from the field are much more promising for CCS activities than those obtained from the laboratory. This discrepancy requires further in-depth investigation, and if necessary, processes and procedures used in the laboratory need to be adjusted to more closely replicate the conditions experienced in the field to allow more accurate analogues and simulation modelling. 2. We have a much greater understanding of the interactions and reactions present in the wellbore environment and can predict and understand the relationships between the injected CO2, the wellbore (including the casing), the caprock and the formation water / reservoir. Understanding and forecasting these reactions is key to proper well design and safety and security of geological storage of CO2. 3. There is a much more varied interest in the subject of CCS, and partly as a result in this greater input, the state of knowledge and technologies have advances significantly in the past year, and we can confidently expect more developments and technological advancements in the years to come. 4. Simulations and models are becoming more detailed and flexible, and in particular the presentation of LANL’s CO2PENS model appears to incorporate most factors and impacts likely to need consideration under CCS regulations and has the scope to adjust to most scenarios of storage.