Publication Overview
The IEAGHG High Temperature Solid Looping Cycles Network (HTSLCN) emerged from the preceding International Workshop on In-situ CO2 Removal (ISCR) and aims at bringing together researchers and developers of CO2 capture technologies that operate at high temperatures in cyclic processes using either circulating or fixed beds of solids. The 5th HTSLCN Meeting was held from 2nd to 3rd September 2013 at Queens’ College, University of Cambridge, UK. It was jointly organised by IEAGHG, University of Cambridge and Cranfield University and received support from the UKCCS Research Centre and Johnson Matthey. A number of 60 delegates attended the meeting, which offered 36 presentations organised in three sessions. The first session covered demonstrations and pilot scale trials. The second session was split in two parallel streams that discussed the fundamentals in calcium looping (CaL) and chemical looping combustion (CLC) respectively. The third session presented new process concepts and system modelling and evaluation. A subsequent panel discussion and a site visit to the facilities at Cranfield University rounded off the technical programme.
Publication Summary
The 5th HTSLCN Meeting provided detailed information about the technical performance of CaL and CLC processes. The results from the pilot plants show that there is further improvement in CO2 capture efficiencies and fuel conversion rates. The current scale of CaL pilots is up to 2 MW and 200 kW for CLC respectively, with the hours of operation steadily increasing. Certain impurities, such as SO2 and H2S, have an adverse effect on the sorbent carrying capacity in CaL and the reduction rate in CLC. However, other research showed that new hybrid materials, promoted/doped sorbents, pelletisation and steam addition are a way to enhance the performance