Publication Overview
This 5th Workshop on Offshore Geologic CO2 Storage covered multiple subjects, including: summary of multiple CCS projects worldwide, subsurface considerations for depleted hydrocarbon fields, containment/ pressure management, and saline formations to store CO2, as well as considerations on regulating offshore CCS, monitoring offshore CCS projects, CO2 shipping and infrastructure for CO2. Importantly, this is the first hybrid in-person and virtual workshop, which represents a milestone to bring this knowledge sharing to multiple people interested on CCS worldwide
Publication Summary
The following conclusions and recommendations were agreed by the workshop delegates.
Conclusions from this workshop:
- The growing number of projects since last workshop. We are in a momentum.
- The range of projects in design and coverage of emissions. Good for others to learn from.
- Some project planning to use shipping for transport and/or injection.
- Good participation by regulators in this workshop, i.e., BSSE, BOEM.
- New industry players coming in, with new interest and ideas.
- Re-use of infrastructure is complex, technically and legally. Good examples of the details needed from some projects.
- Can we co-locate activities, i.e., CCS projects with wind farms? It can be complex and not always possible.
- Good display on the use of environmental monitoring research outputs for real projects (STEMM-CCS and ECO2 to Northern Lights, Greensand, Northern Endurance Partnership).
- Northern Lights environmental monitoring plan, ‘down-selecting’ from R&D projects, so as to be ‘fit for purpose’