Publication Overview
This eclectic mix of representation ensured the discussion sessions remained varied, without bias, and included debate reflecting different viewpoints. The future of the network will be determined over the next couple of years, with a proposal to hold a combined Modelling / Wellbore Integrity Meeting in 2011, and the 2nd Joint Network Meeting in 2012. The outcomes of these meetings will help to shape the future development of the IEAGHG networks as a whole. The format of the meeting allowed for 20 minute presentations with 5 minutes for questions. Each of the three meeting sessions was followed by prolonged discussion sessions where ideas and experiences were discussed by the meeting attendees at a greater level of detail. These discussion sessions are the primary focus of this report, and the presentations are available on the network webpage for reference.
Publication Summary
The meeting showed a move towards agreement with regard to future focus. It was generally agreed that recent wells and those wells which will be drilled in the future are not likely to cause problems in terms of wellbore integrity; moreover we can determine that older wells are more likely to be of concern, and specifically, the older the wells, the more likely the need for remedial work or re-abandonment. Although experiences vary as to the precise age that well abandonments can become problematical, there was a definite consensus that fields can be assessed and risk managed according to the records of well placement and well abandonment and the periods of operation and abandonment. The increased focus on the concept of self-healing micro-annuli demonstrates a development of knowledge not previously seen, and it can be expected that future cement-based research will increasingly focus on this, amongst other issues.