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Technology Collaboration Programme by IEA

Your Search: ' Monitoring Network '

29 Publications Found

Technical Review

6th International Workshop on Offshore Geologic CO₂ Storage

  • 1 December 2023
  • Event Proceedings
  • Storage

The 6th International Workshop on Offshore Geologic CO₂ Storage was held in Aberdeen on 13-14 September. Organised with the University of Texas and hosted by the University of Aberdeen. The loca on was very appropriate as we were co-hosted and sponsored by Storegga who leads the Acorn project nearby in Scotland. This project had been recently announced by the UK government as a Track 2 Cluster project. This 6th workshop had 190 delegates (60 in-person and 130 virtual) from 35 countries, with a good mix of industry, researchers and regulators.

Technical Review

Monitoring Network Meeting Report

  • 1 December 2023
  • Event Proceedings
  • Storage

The IEAGHG Monitoring Network aims to assess new technologies and techniques in the monitoring of CO₂ storage, determine the limitations, accuracy and applicability of monitoring techniques, disseminate information from research and pilot storage projects around the world, develop extensive monitoring guidelines for the different sub-categories of geological storage; oil and gas fields, unmineable coal seams, and saline aquifers covering the differing conditions and reservoir properties encountered globally as well as to engage with relevant regulatory bodies.

Technical Review

Risk Management Network Meeting Report

  • 29 September 2023
  • Event Proceedings
  • Storage

The Risk Management Network meeting was held as an in-person event with a particular focus on the risk of wells (particularly legacy wells) in a CCS project, looking at the topic from basin scale through to detailed characterisation of well materials and monitoring. Attended by over 75 delegates from 15 countries, the two day meeting was held at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, UK. It was kicked off by a welcome reception in the Lyell Centre (home to both BGS and the Institute for GeoEnergy Engineering) and was followed by a field excursion to explore the geological history of Arthur’s Seat in Edinburgh and a tour of a very new distillery located in an old train station within stone’s throw of Holyrood Park.

Technical Review

IEAGHG Risk Management Network – Webinar & Virtual Discussion: The Road to CCS Project Permitting

  • 31 March 2022
  • Event Proceedings
  • Storage

On Tuesday 18th January 2022, the IEAGHG Risk Management Network held a webinar which aimed to be a roundtable presentation of CCS / CCUS (carbon capture and storage / carbon capture, utilisation and storage) project operator experience, with risk management, during the permitting process. This webinar heard from panellists on the Northern Lights project, the Porthos project, California experiences with permitting and Oxy's recent project experiences. The webinar attracted an audience of 138 in addition to 8 panellists and 2 IEAGHG staff.

Technical Review

IEAGHG Monitoring Network - ‘Monitoring Expertise Showcase for Post-Closure Monitoring’

  • 23 April 2021
  • Event Proceedings
  • Storage

This was a little different from usual webinars, whereby the Steering Committee aimed for a more interactive and informal experience for the audience with a scenario-based exercise.<br />Susan Hovorka (<em>BEG at UTexas</em>) introduced the hypothetical site scenario. She emphasised that the aim of the event was to learn about post-closure monitoring options, with an informal ‘game’ to engage panellists with the audience in thinking about CO<sub>2</sub> storage sites and measurement, monitoring and verification (MMV). This is a hypothetical site with some gaps in the information, in reality the site characteristics would be much better understood for storage projects and months of planning would have been done prior to making any sort of decisions on monitoring programmes. The hypothetical site scenario is described in figure 1, below. This ‘site’ will be injecting for 25 years, into 50 metre thick sandstone at a depth of 1.5km.

Technical Review

IEAGHG Monitoring Network Virtual Discussion Panel

  • 25 September 2020
  • Event Proceedings
  • Storage

This discussion panel was held by webinar on Wednesday 12th August at 10pm BST, with the theme of engaging regulators, looking at ‘Regulation, Industry and Research - Translating Monitoring Research to Meet Commercial Needs’. The panellists comprised different CO₂ storage monitoring stakeholders; operators, regulators and researchers and attendees were asked to submit questions for the panellists to consider prior to the event, of which over 120 were received. 70 participants joined the event, in addition to the 8 panellists involved.The aim of the panel was to discuss the translation of CO₂ geological storage monitoring research into regulations and commercial-scale projects. It began with a scene setting presentation and framing questions with in-depth and thoughtful discussion with operator, regulator and research representatives from the US, Australia, and Norway.This discussion panel was an ideal opportunity for all stakeholders actively engaged in CO₂ geological storage projects and practical research in monitoring to share and learn about how the information from research and our Monitoring Networks can be used to meet commercial needs.

Technical Report

IEAGHG Monitoring & Environmental Research Combined Networks Meeting

  • 1 March 2020
  • Event Proceedings
  • Storage

The 13th meeting of IEAGHG’s Monitoring Network was this year combined with the Environmental Research Network, to facilitate wider topic broaching and encourage broader discussions. This combined networks meeting was held from 20th – 22nd August 2019 at the University of Calgary, Canada. The two day meeting was preceded by a field trip to the Containment and Monitoring Institute (CaMI) field research station site visit. It was followed by a one day workshop on faults and their significance for CO? storage (report number 2020-03). The meeting was designed to cover the following themes: developments in sensing ; lessons from managing field projects; uncertainty in quantification; monitoring for EOR compared with deep saline formations; fall-back plans; new case studies with real data; environmental impacts of monitoring and stakeholder engagement; up-well leakage; and monitoring post-injection for closure.

Technical Report

12th IEAGHG Monitoring Network Meeting

  • 1 November 2017
  • Event Proceedings
  • Storage

The theme for this meeting was ‘The Cost and Value-effectiveness of Monitoring: what key drivers are required to deliver an optimum outcome’. Sessions included project updates, the application of oil and gas production experience, innovative monitoring techniques, offshore monitoring developments, overburden research including controlled release experiments, wellbore integrity and micro-seismicity. Delegates also took part in a group exercise on how to respond to a hypothetical leak scenario.  The meeting highlighted the impressive advances that have been made in the use of fibre-optic distributed acoustic sensors (DAS) at projects, including helical configured cables, to overcome the limitations of directional signals. The technology is now under trial at pilot CO<sub>2</sub> storage sites.

Technical Report

Monitoring & Modelling Meeting

  • 1 February 2017
  • Event Proceedings
  • Storage

The combined meeting of the IEAGHG Monitoring and Modelling Networks took place at the Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation from the 6-8th July 2016. The meeting brought together leading experts from research and industry to discuss the latest work and developments, with around 60 participants from 11 countries participating.The theme for this meeting was ‘using the modelling-monitoring loop to demonstrate storage performance more effectively’. Sessions on monitoring included induced seismicity, novel monitoring techniques, monitoring costs, near-surface natural variability, monitoring CO<sub>2</sub>-EOR, wellbore integrity issues, modelling environmental conditions, updates from ongoing and closed projects, lessons from other industries, modelling reservoirs and overburden, pressure measurements and conformance in the monitoring modelling loop.

Technical Report

RMNER Network Meeting

  • 1 June 2016
  • Event Proceedings
  • Storage

The three day meeting included themes on risk assessment methodologies, risk communication and mitigation strategies as well as environmental research. There was an emphasis on potential impacts of CO<sub>2</sub> in marine environments, natural variability and the unscheduled release of CO<sub>2</sub> from pipelines. Coverage also included formation fluid release, overburden features, international initiatives and environmental impact assessments notably the Peterhead – Goldeneye project. 

Technical Report

Monitoring Network Meeting

  • 1 December 2015
  • Event Proceedings
  • Storage

The 45 presentations and 17 posters covered a range of topics, with sessions on cost-effective monitoring of large projects, permit requirements, induced seismicity, shallow monitoring, geophysical monitoring and CO₂ relationships, pressure monitoring applications, monitoring tools for shallow, surface and deep monitoring, update on projects, and post-closure monitoring. As well as the new results and developments, new at this meeting was a group-work exercise created by Sue Hovorka of the University of Texas. This involved the groups designing monitoring plans for fictional but realistic storage sites, and then these being actually tested with leakage scenarios.

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