Publication Overview
Between March 2nd and 6th, IEAGHG convened a panel of five leading academic and industry experts to conduct a five-day peer review of 12 research projects supported by the NETL Carbon Storage Program. At the conclusion of each project review, these recognized technical experts provided recommendations on how to improve the management, performance, and overall results of each individual research project. The panel was supported by Tim Dixon (Facilitator), James Craig and Samantha Neades, IEAGHG. The Carbon Storage program is focused on developing and advancing technologies to enable safe, cost-effective, permanent geologic storage of carbon dioxide (CO2) both onshore and offshore in different depositional systems. The technologies being developed will benefit both industrial and power sector facilities that will need to mitigate future CO2 emissions. The program also serves to increase understanding of the effectiveness of these advanced technologies and management approaches in different geologic reservoirs appropriate for CO2 storage, and improve the ability to understand the behavior of CO2 in the subsurface.
Publication Summary
The panel concluded that the review provided an excellent opportunity to comment on the relative strengths and weaknesses of each project. The presentations have provided additional clarity which complemented the pre-meeting documentation. The review has also provided an insight into the range of technology development and the relative progress that has been made. The structure of the review, and the variety of different projects, has stimulated interest and engagement that should also be useful for the DOE program, especially the DOE project managers.