Measurement, reporting and verification and accounting for carbon dioxide removal in the context of both project-based approaches and national greenhouse gas inventories
- 15 October 2024
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James Glynn, Brian Ó Gallachóir, Paul Deane, Myles Allen, Richard Millar, Niall Mac Dowell
Citation: IEAGHG, "CCS in Energy and Climate Scenarios ", 2019-05, July 2019.
The purpose of IAMs is to quantify the interactions and trade-offs between societal demands for energy, economic and environmental services, using a systems approach. These systems are typically the energy system, the economy, the earth-land system, the water system and atmospheric climate system, although every IAM does not necessarily include all these systems and have varying
The diversity of mathematical approaches across the range of IAM typologies gives insights into the resilience of climate policy options across a range of scenarios and sensitivity analyses when combined across a range of models in a model inter-comparison project (MIP). Where the same technology deployments occur with the same scale and timing across the range of scenario analysis, this gives an indication of a resilient technology option across the range of input assumptions and uncertain future scenarios. Resilience is meant here in the sense that the technology option is consistently deployed across a range of uncertain scenarios, with a range of techno-economic specifications, giving an indication of a least-regrets investment option and is not overtly sensitive to an individual scenario.
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