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Technology Collaboration Programme by IEA

CO₂ Geological Storage Modelling Workshop


Citation: IEAGHG, "CO₂ Geological Storage Modelling Workshop", 2009-05, April 2009.

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Publication Overview

The concept of this workshop was previously proposed to the IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme (IEA GHG) by BRGM and Schlumberger, and following the approval of the workshop in principle, discussion was initiated in June 2008 at the IEA GHG Joint Network Meeting in New York. The suggestion was that CO₂ geological modelling for Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage (CCS) was an important topic not being adequately dealt with by the existing storage based research networks. Further discussions by these network groups concluded that this was indeed a gap, and that an initial workshop should be held to determine the viability of forming a separate network dealing solely with geological storage modelling.

Publication Summary

The session on processes included presentations on static geological models, multiphase flow modelling, geochemistry and reactive transport, geomechanics, and heat transfer. The discussion sessions then focussed on listing the key processes and parameters required to model storage, and identifying the most significant knowledge gaps. Delegates identified a variety of issues and parameters that could be considered as ‘knowledge gaps’ for many of the processes that need to be incorporated into models. Some common themes became evident in the discussions including: problems of coupling processes into models (e.g. geochemical and geomechanical factors for caprock integrity); up-scaling of properties and 2 processes from pore to field scale; modelling representation of the heterogeneity in geological systems; and model input data – quality and availability.

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