Publication Overview
The IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme (IEAGHG) has studied many aspects of Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage (CCS). As part of this programme, the current study investigates the potential corrosion risks in the CCS processes and proposes suitable materials of construction to mitigate those risks. The scope of this study covers all aspects of the CCS systems, including the carbon capture plants, transport of CO₂ and injection wells.
Publication Summary
The presence of significant halide levels in process streams would require significant changes in some material selections, typically to much higher alloy CRAs. Control of the quality of water and treatment chemicals introduced into the process streams is critical in this respect.
The presence of oxygen is potentially challenging for
- Amine CO₂ removal for Post Combustion capture
- Downhole materials in the injection well (Post-combustion and possibly Oxy-fuel)
In the Pre-combustion (IGCC) schemes, oxygen control is critical for streams containing hydrogen sulphide.
In all these cases, high-performance, expensive, materials may have to be used if the environment is not controlled within suitable limits. These situations require further study on the process conditions and materials performance to optimise materials selection. Further work is also expected to be necessary to qualify specific polymeric materials and coatings for service with high CO2 pressures.