Publication Overview
In the last years several studies have investigated carbon capture and storage (CCS) from a life cycle perspective focussing on the environmental performance. Scope of this study is to compare systematically the different approaches of fifteen studies, to summarise the results, show the site specific differences, address methodological variations and formulate guidelines to assign the various conclusions gathered from the studies.
Publication Summary
As expected, it is difficult to obtain solid information about the environmental impacts of a specific CCS technology by comparing the studies. Especially, as it is impossible to describe all underlying assumptions and data in a paper or even in a report. However that would be necessary to understand all consequences of choices. Though several studies exist, the technology field of CCS is so broad that as yet only some facets are covered. Nevertheless, with these few existing studies it can already be identified which the sensitive parameters are and also which have only a minor impact on the overall results. To some extent methodological differences and their impact on the study outcomes can be identified. Preliminary guidelines and recommendations on how to interpret study outcomes can be formulated but must be confirmed by adding more studies into the comparison.