Publication Overview
This workshop was proposed to the IEA GHG by OPEC, and the first plan was to hold the workshop in February 2009, in Algeria. Due to difficulties in preparing invitation letters and visas; the workshop was postponed to November 2009. The suggestion was that Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) was an important topic not being adequately dealt with by OPEC member countries. Therefore, this workshop was planned to introduce scientists and professionals from OPEC member countries with a general overview of the complete CCS chain. In addition, this workshop was considered as a good opportunity for IEA GHG to interact with professionals from these countries, who are involved mainly in the oil and gas sector. The Ministry of Energy and Mines together with Sonatrach, agreed to host the workshop in Hassi Messaoud, Algeria. An organizing committee was established, with members form IEA GHG, OPEC, the Ministry of Energy and Mines and Sonatrach. The workshop was held from the 16th to 20th of November, 2009 and attracted over 25 delegates from 7 countries.
Publication Summary
The programme of the workshop was constructed by the IEA GHG team, to cover all topics related to CCS. Special focus was given to the major large scale case studies (In Salah, Sleipner, Weyburn and Abu Dhabi DF). The technical programme was followed by a visit to the In Salah location. This activity was a good opportunity for the participants to visit a real CCS large scale demonstration. In addition, it was an occasion for some technical and scientific discussions mainly on issues concerning CO2 treatment, injectivity, and monitoring. The group working activity was designed to increase the involvement and proactivity of the delegates in the programme and to encourage discussions, networking and social interactions. The group activity was well received and achieved the expected objectives. There was a suggestion for the future, to receive or even prepare the topics of the working groups’ activity in advance before the workshop.