The Role of Low Emissions Dispatchable Power in the Lowest Cost Net Zero System
- 20 September 2024
- Costs of CCUS
This study explores the interdependencies of different power generation technologies in a highly decarbonised future.
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I. Summerfield, T. Dennish, J. Watt
Citation: IEAGHG, "Upgraded calculator for CO₂ pipeline systems", 2009-03, March 2009.
A contract to develop and upgrade the original Woodhill program and the network program was awarded to Gastec UK/AMEC who had already produced the new network design program. After obtaining the original code from Woodhill-Frontier options were examined and it was felt that as both programs were Excel-based it would be simplest to amalgamate them into one program using the original Woodhill interface where possible.The possibility of adding a graphical map-based interface for the distributed collection network was investigated as an additional option but although possible the necessary licence for commercial use was found to be too costly. It was on this basis that GastecUK/AMEC proceeded with the development of the upgraded calculator.
The revised cost and sizing calculator now allows more accurate high level sizing and costing of CO₂ pipelines and collection systems. It is not intended as a final pipeline design tool for which specialist pipeline sizing routines must be used able to cater for 5 terrain height changes and the physical properties of the actual CO₂ gas compositions. The tool is now available for use. IEA GHG will maintain a log of comments and suggestions from any users so that any errors found can be corrected and useful improvements added if the amount of use and extent of suggestions warrants. To use the revised model copy the excel file and help file which are in a subdirectory of the CD into the same directory on your computer. Open the excel file. Help on the basic functions is available through the help button or via the drop down menu (Cost Estimation Model.) Information on how to use the network design tool is to be found in a separate set of instructions in an appendix to this document entitled “Network model Instructions”. Information about the upgraded features is to be found in the report on the upgrade which follows this introduction
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