14th IEAGHG International Summer School

News & Blogs

By Sam Neades

7 December 2022

 Well, after two long years of postponements due to the pandemic, I am pleased to say that it’s a wrap on the 14th IEAGHG International CCS Summer School! Held from the 27th November to the 4th December 2022 in Bandung, Indonesia, and hosted by ITB, this School brought together 44 students from 15 different countries to learn about all aspects of CCUS.

Students learned through an intensive programme of technical lectures, interactive workshops, group work and field trips covering the entire CCUS value chain, delving into the topics listed below:

  • Climate change and the global CCS scene
  • CO2 capture technologies
  • Storage of CO2
  • Modelling
  • Monitoring and verification
  • Environmental impacts of capture and storage
  • Wellbore integrity
  • Risk and uncertainty, health and safety
  • Transport of CO2 and hubs
  • Utilisation of CO2
  • Hydrogen and CCS
  • BECCS, negative emissions and DAC
  • Costs, economics and financing of CCS
  • National and international policy, legal and regulatory carbon accounting
  • Public communication, engagement and social media

The group work throughout the week tasked the students with providing an evaluation of pre-set questions requiring research, collaboration, consensus and compromise, with the Friday of the School dedicated to group presentations and subsequent questioning by an expert panel. This year, group 4 won the ‘best group’ award with their answer to the question ‘should CCS be mandatory in developed countries?’ In addition to the group work, students were observed throughout the week for the chance of being selected as one of two ‘most outstanding students’, and I’d like to say another congratulations to Katherine Jimenez (NORCE, Norway) and Debanjan Chandra (Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands) for winning the title this year


Of course, the IEAGHG Summer School could not go ahead without international experts in CCS giving their time to join as speakers and / or expert mentors. I’d like to thank our speakers from CO₂CRC, ExxonMobil, Gassnova, GCCC at the University of Texas, Imperial College, the International CCS Knowledge Centre, ITB, IIASA, JPower, University of Pertamina, Shell, TotalEnergies and the US DOE. In particular, a huge thanks goes to our expert mentors who volunteered their time to be with us in Indonesia for the entire week: John Kaldi (CO₂CRC), Rachmat Sule (ITB), Katherine Romanak (GCCC, BEG at University of Texas), Tim Dixon (IEAGHG), Mark Wood (Shell), Ganesh Dasari (ExxonMobil), Sri Intan Wirya (ExxonMobil), Shinichi Sakuno (JPower), Farah Mulyasari (University of Pertamina), Haposan Napitupulu (Essa) and Aqsha (ITB).

We also like to thank the sponsors of the IEAGHG Summer School for their support of the event. Firstly, to our Series Sponsors BEIS, Gassnova CLIMIT, Swiss Federal Office of Energy, TotalEnergies, Shell, and ExxonMobil, for their ongoing support over the years. Thanks also to this year’s Local Sponsors: KPI, BP Indonesia, Essa, INPEX, Technip Energies, Pertamina, Samator, Halliburton and WAVIV.

And finally, a very big thanks to our hosts, ITB, and in particular Dr Rachmat Sule and his incredible team of assistants who helped make this another successful IEAGHG Summer School.

For more information about the IEAGHG Summer School Series, visit https://ieaghg.org/summer-school, or contact myself directly at sam.neades@ieaghg.org

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