CTCN Makes Significant Progress
7 November 2016

The Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) set up in 2003 is the implementing arm of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Technology Mechanism. The CTCN, promotes the accelerated development and transfer of climate technologies for energy-efficient, low-carbon and climate-resilient development. On November 4th 2016 the CTCN published its 23year progress report, ahead of COP22. The report can be found at: https://www.ctc-n.org/sites/www.ctc-n.org/files/ctcn-progressreport2016-bookcover-lowres.pdfCTCN works as follows: Countries, working through national representatives, convey their technology requests. The CTCN then mobilizes relevant technology experts from a global network of 230 technology institutions to design and deliver a customized solution.
Between January 2014 & August 2015 the CTCN received 44 requests for Technical Assistance between September 2015 & August 2016 the number of request jumped to 96. These requests were submitted for assistance as follows: 31% Adaptation, 40% Mitigation & 29% Adaptation & Mitigation. Mitigation related requests were predominately for renewable energy (36%) and energy efficiency projects (34%). Of the requests 66% were national in nature and & 75% were considered eligible for support. Requests were broken down as follows: 15% Policy, planning & law, 11% Project readiness & facilitating financing, 5% Research & development, 24% Tech identification & selection, 16% Training, awareness raising & sharing experience 29% Tech feasibility, piloting & selection.
Going forward if COP22 and future COPs are successful in getting countries to commit strong mitigation actions, the CTCN will able to support the countries actions.
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