Data sharing initiatives launched at GHGT-13: CSDC and Ginninderra

News & Blogs

By Tim Dixon

22 November 2016

As GHGT-13 drew so many from the CCS world together in one place for a week it is not surprising that many take advantage to organise launch events there. Two involved the launch of projects’ datasets for wider use by the CCS community, one deep-focussed, one shallow-focussed.

One was organised by Geoscience Australia and CO2CRC to launch their release of data from their controlled-release site at Ginninderra, near Canberra. Their research site has enabled scientists to simulate release of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the soil into the atmosphere under controlled experiment conditions, and to assess the performance of different monitoring technologies.

The project included development of world-leading monitoring techniques, including using mobile sensor and remote sensing technology to detect CO2 emissions and impacts. Monitoring results were found to depend on climatic conditions, groundwater levels and the extent of the soil zone above the water table. The results found significant horizontal movement in the near surface, fundamentally changing perceptions of how CO2 migrates and expresses itself at the near surface. Surface leakage was found to be patchy, a result similar to that observed in other controlled release facilities internationally.

A highlight of the work was improved quantification techniques to accurately measure emission rates. Results from a comprehensive assessment of soil flux techniques were presented in a technical session at GHGT-13. Over 20 monitoring techniques were trialled, with the datasets now available for free download via Geoscience Australia’s website. The intention of this data release is to make the data available for comparison with measurements taken at other controlled release experiments, CO2 storage projects and natural analogues. This will hopefully facilitate the further development of greenhouse gas monitoring technologies, methods and monitoring strategies and increase our understanding of the migration behaviour and impact of near surface CO2 leakage.

For more information, including on how to access the data, see .

IEAGHG’s Environmental Research Network and Monitoring Network had the pleasure of visiting Ginninderra during the Networks’ meeting in Canberra in 2013 (see for the report of the meeting and visit see CO2 Storage Data Consortium (CSDC) also launched at GHGT-13. This is a new international collaboration for sharing reference datasets from CO2 storage projects in deep saline formations.

To increase efficiency of building capacity, confidence and competence in CO2 storage, this international consortium is developing a platform for sharing datasets from pioneering CO2 storage projects. CSDC promotes sharing of datasets on site geology, well data, geophysical monitoring data, and reservoirs data and models. Access to properly curated and well-understood data accelerates new development of site characterization methods, reservoir simulation and monitoring technologies.

The CSDC consortium will manage the datasets, the terms of access and facilitate dissemination. Datasets will be subject to terms of use and should be properly acknowledged. Participants in CSDC may be registered as users, sponsors, contributors or observers. A survey is in progress to assist the process of clarifying user needs and specifying a suitable repository for the data. To find out more contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..”>

IEAGHG are very pleased to assist by being on the Steering Committee for CSDC.

Two great initiatives in sharing data, to facilitate wider learning from projects and so to assist CO2 storage developments around the world, much praise to all involved. 

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