UKCCSRC biannual meeting: Delivering the new CCS agenda
3 April 2018

Once again, the UKCCSRC has held their biannual meeting, which took place in the University of Cambridge during 26-27th March. UKCCSRC leads and coordinates a programme of underpinning research on all aspects of CCS in support of basic science and UK government efforts on energy and climate change. This initiative receives support from the EPSRC and DECC.
In this occasion, the main theme was the new CCS agenda and attendees had the opportunity to receive updates of projects and policies at international level. While still we saw technical presentations on capture (see Information paper), storage and CCS integration, we enjoyed the presence of an international panel from Japan, USA and the Netherlands. Speakers emphasised on the need of support from policies and regulations and the already proven CCS success from a technical perspective. Additionally, the CCS business model has been enhanced over the years and the local UK government is currently implementing several initiatives (see Information paper).
The biannual meeting also included the presence of Early Research Careers members (ERCs), who had the opportunity to exhibit their research through a poster session. In this occasion, two PhD students from Imperial College won the posters prizes: Praveen Bains for her poster “The role of CCS in the UK’s power sector decarbonisation using high spatial and temporal resolution modelling”, and Habiba Daggash for her poster “The role of negative emissions technologies in decarbonising the UK Energy system”. Congratulations to them!
UKCCSRC biannual was an excellent opportunity to interact with experts in multiple areas within the CCS chain and we look forward to attending the next one in University of Edinburgh.

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